Elektronikproduktion |

Medison lägger locket på

Medison, som under de senaste månaderna varit i blåsväder, har nu lagt locket på och tänker inte svara några journalister på deras frågor.

Valdi Ivancic, Medisons VD har nu gått ut med ett pressmeddelande och sagt att han inte tänker svara pressen på fler frågor. I pressmeddelandet skriver Medison att journalisters agerande har förstört "viktiga relationer" för företaget. Vilka relationer det rör sig om framgår inte. Nedan ser du Medisons pressmeddelande i sin helhet: We at Medison have been very generous talking to the media, answering questions when we have been able to do so and kindly asked to leave out people and companies who have no insight into the Medison organization and the Medison business plan. Unfortunately this has not been respected by some individuals and also some journalists. Their actions have lately even ruined important relationships for Medison. Therefore we see no other way than to stop answering questions temporarily from media and we see no better way to answer the critics and rumours than simply do our best, which is delivering our product to our customers. In the very beginning, that is what we intended to do all the time and the Medison business idea always was to do this for its customers.

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2024-04-15 11:45 V22.4.27-2