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- 09:00 - 09:30Strategier för att säkra materialflöden för produktionBengt Lundell - Martinsson ElektronikVad finns det för alternativa strategier för att säkra materialflöden? Bengt Lundell, på Martinsson Elektronik, kommer – utifrån dagens problematik med att få fram komponenter – presentera hur kan som inköpare kan skapa strategier för att få hem det material man behöver får att produktionen inte ska stå stilla.
- 09:35 - 10:05Polarion ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) Everything you need to accelerate innovationJohn Ludvigsen - innofour b.v.Embedded software is in virtually all the products we come in contact with every day. For example, there are 100+ million lines of code in automotive, 24% of Medical device recalls are due to software issues, and there's 15.4% growth in the software driven "Smart Appliance" market. As a result the use of embedded software is quickly infringing on hardware’s dominance in the product development process. However in many environments software development is a siloed activity that leads to disconnects between product requirements and implementation that leads to product recalls or product failures. In legacy software development environments, many different point solutions are used to manage the application lifecycle. As a result, development artifacts are scattered, slowing down collaboration, hindering transparency, undermining integrity and making it difficult to drive innovation. This presentation will cover the challenges in today’s embedded software development and how we can help organizations with a unified solution that divers project transparency through real-time aggregated management information. It enables everyone to be aligned around what is being built and why, to drive advancement while protecting integrity and compliance. This approach helps teams respond faster and with better quality to new business opportunities and customer demands. The presentation will also show how it’s possible to work with different stakeholders like clients and managers and with those that are in the project so that everybody has a real-time view of the status of the project.
- 10:10 - 10:40Design for RegulatoryMarcus Ek - Key Account Manager - NorautronSom kontraktstillverkare har man en betydande roll för att produkter med regulatoriska krav blir riktigt tillverkade. Det finns genom detta också mycket erfarenhet och kunskap att hämta hos tillverkarna, som kan hjälpa produktutvecklare att komma fram till en slutprodukt på ett säkert och snabbt sätt. Lyssna på när Marcus Ek delar med sig av sina erfarenheter samlade under många års arbete i elektronikindustrin. De senaste tolv som KAM med fokus på att stötta produktutveckling och design av produkter med inriktning på regulatoriska krav och hög grad av producerbarhet. Marcus Ek är Key Account Manager på Norautron AB med erfarenhet av elektroniktillverkning och affärsutveckling sedan 1990 då han började som komponenttekniker på Teli Företagssystem i Vänersborg. Där tillverkades digitala telesystem på licens från Ericsson och Northern Telecom fram till 1993. Elektronikverksamheten övergick sedan till ElektronikPartner i Vänersborg, som sedan blev Norautron AB 2008.
- 10:45 - 11:15Kartläggning av elektronikmarknaden i HallandHenrik Lövetoft - Invest In HallandErik-Wilhelm Graef Behm - Strategist - Invest In HallandHalland är en växande hub för Digital Teknologi & Intelligenta systems. Presentationen beskriver en kartläggning av ekosystemet i Halland med en bild av vart vi är på väg.
- 11:20 - 11:50Accelerating industrial transformation with 5G+ EdgeRudy Alix - PhD. / Eng.- Senior Sales & Business Development Director EMEA - ThundercommHow can a 5G Edge platform help transforming operations across various industries? The combination of 5G and Edge computing can enhance data collection and analytics. It may trigger decision processes in a far more efficient manner, offering new business streamline perspectives as well as unprecedented visibility, insights, control over assets and services. A couple of case studies will be carried out during this presentation.
- 11:55 - 12:25Ultra-Wideband (UWB), teknik och applikationerRobert Berg, Amir Majidzadeh - Sunway Communication ABUWB är en revolutionerande teknologi, som möjliggör 3-dimensionell positionering av enheter och taggar med cm-noggrannhet tack vare ToF (Time-of-Flight) och AoA (Angle-of-Arrival). Från nuvarande användningar av t.ex. iPhone 11 och senare, samt BMW 7xx, visar prognoser på årliga leveranser på 1 miljard enheter genom en tillväxt också inom IoT, tillverkningsindustri och andra marknader. Ledande, globala teknikjättar har gått samman i FiRa, ett industriellt samarbete för att utveckla ekossytemet kring UWB.
- 13:05 - 13:35EMS and The Competitive Supply Chain – A Modern Software SolutionJani Leppalammi - Vice President of Sales - CalcuQuoteNow more than ever, EMS companies are facing increased pressure from their customers to meet unprecedented demands. Manufacturers are demanding lower costs, increased scope of services, faster turnaround times and improved quality. Margins are already tight in the EMS manufacturing industry, companies have to find a more efficient method for delivering improved efficiencies and productivity. The question we will be exploring is how EMS companies can use modern software technology and digital supply chains, to meet these increasing requirements and deliver effective solutions. ### Bio: Jani Leppalammi is a Finnish electronics industry veteran from several OEM and EMS companies. He has a BSc in electronics engineering, eMBA from sales and marketing, and MBA from Henley Business School. Currently, Jani is responsible for CalcuQuote global sales and marketing.
- 13:40 - 14:10EDM Technical facts and figures or how NOT to destroy motor bearingsHans-Joachim Poess - Compotech Provider ABMorten Monberg - Compotech Provider ABA review regarding Electric Discharge Machining - EDM. Technical facts and figures the root cause for damage of motor and how to preview the phenomenon. Solutions for the effects and preventions are shown as well. In the field of electrical motors and generators the damaging of their bearings, gearboxes and other Load by vagabonding currents are now a proven effect. Multiple PhD and research projects and field analyses shows different solution possibilities to suppress this damaging effect by electrical currents. The root cause of this common mode high frequency currents are the semiconductors. Their switching creates high frequency voltage and current ripples which are creating a common mode noise. This common mode currents are hitting the motors/generators and creates there asymmetric currents which are circulating in the motors/generators and runs over the ground back to the semiconductors. The presentation will show the paths, explains the damaging effects and other impacts to the ambient. The out view of the effects with the new semiconductors like silicon carbide SiC and GaN are showing, that these effects are increased by factors with the much higher dV/dt (voltage rise) and the switching frequency. Solutions for already running applications will be at the end of the presentation.
- 14:15 - 14:45Sveriges halvledarkluster och starka forskningsmiljöerMagnus Svensson - Program Manager - Smartare Elektroniksystem