Sponsrat innehåll från Codico GmbH
Sponsrat innehåll från Elhurt EMS
Adaptability, Experience, and Proximity: Key Advantages of Elhurt EMS for Demanding Clients
Collaboration with the largest EMS (Electronic Manufacturing Services) providers offers certain benefits; however, for many companies—especially those with more specific requirements - this approach can present specific challenges. Large corporations, serving many clients simultaneously, may struggle to dedicate sufficient attention to each project, especially for complex and custom undertakings. Issues such as delayed responses, lack of dedicated contacts, limited access to technical support, and lengthy decision-making processes often negatively impact project execution.
EIC ska ge 1,4 miljarder euro till teknikbolag
04 november 2024
Europeiska innovationsrådet (EIC) ska stödja europisk deep-tech-forskning och startupbolag med ”hög potential”, genom ett tillskott på 1,4 miljarder euro nästa år.
Sponsrat innehåll från congatec GmbH
Boundless freedom for edge servers
The integration of Intel Xeon D processors on COM-HPC Server-on-Modules allows edge server installations to break free from the tight thermal constraints of air-conditioned server rooms. For the first time, they can now be installed anywhere where massive data throughput with lowest possible latencies is required – all the way to deterministic real time.
Sponsrat innehåll från Siemens EDA
Reducing Electronic Systems Design Complexity with AI
Imagine what it would be like if your electronic system design tools had AI, ML, and DL technologies built in. This is the Siemens vision: incorporate AI, ML, and DL algorithms into products to accelerate design creation and reduce process complexity. This paper explores crucial electronic systems design areas where artificial intelligence (AI) technologies — including machine learning and deep learning — can be applied to minimize or eliminate the complexity of electronic system design work.
Silex förvärv av Elmos stoppas - "inte naiva"
09 november 2022
Det blir ingen försäljning av Elmos tillverkningsprocesser för 200-millimeters kiselskivor i Dortmund. Beslutet fattades i dag, strax innan middagstid under ett regeringssammanträde i Tyskland.
Blir det grönt ljus för Silex köp av Elmos?
01 november 2022
Järfällaföretaget Silex ingick i vintras avtal om att ta över tyska Elmos Semiconductors. Under slutet av förra veckan rapporterade tysk media att ett beslut kan väntas inom en nära framtid.
Sponsrat innehåll från TME
New offer of professional solders by STANNOL
Safe and lead-free soldering materials available in the TME catalogue.
Sponsrat innehåll från Siemens EDA
Discover how to build an effective PCB design flow
Ever wondered how an engineering team establishes an effective PCB design flow? This new series showcases how electronic systems design teams build a digital thread of collaboration. Explore 30 short videos, narrated by expert designers. Follow the process from product innovation to delivery. Siemens EDA Xpedition full-flow tour now available
Sponsrat innehåll från TME
Connectors and wiring for electric cars
Will the automotive industry of the future be stopped by the difficulties of today?
Sponsrat innehåll från Evertiq New Media AB
Evertiq expanding, looking for six new team members
Building on its global precense, Evertiq is currently looking for six additional team members. If you are interested, please apply!
Sponsrat innehåll från TME
Passive and electromechanical elements from Panasonic
Overview of the basic components from the Japanese manufacturer.
JLT slutför förvärv av ID Work – blir JLT France
12 januari 2022
Den svenska tillverkaren av stryktåliga datorer gick ut med förvärvet av ID Work i december i fjol. Under gårdagen meddelade JLT att förvärvet gått enligt plan och att ID Work från och med nu är JLT France.
Silex Microsystems köper tysk halvledartillverkning
14 december 2021
Järfällaföretaget Silex Microsystems har ingått avtal om att ta över tyska Elmos Semiconductors tillverkningsprocesser för 200-millimeters kiselplattor vid en fabrik i Dortmund, Tyskland.
JLT Mobile Computers förvärvar fransk säljpartner
10 december 2021
Den svenska tillverkaren av stryktåliga datorer förvärvar ID Work med syftet att att etablera ett säljkontor i egen regi för att stärka den lokala närvaron.
Sponsrat innehåll från congatec GmbH
Unlocking the Full Potential of Edge Workload Consolidation
Embedded processor cores and expenses incurred are two variables that are indirectly proportional: A higher number of embedded processor cores results in reduced costs as the cores begin consolidating the workload by allocating the tasks to a single edge computing platform. While this cost-efficient measure successfully causes a decrease in the overall number of distributed embedded systems, it can only be achieved by accurately balancing out the computing cores and their respective virtual machines. This is where computer-on-modules come in to play: When paired with real-time virtual machines, Computer-on Modules help designers realize this balance proficiently.
Sponsrat innehåll från congatec GmbH
Real-time Ethernet for all
The real-time processing of data for OPC UA, as well as many other tactile Internet applications, are coming up fast as important new areas of industrial communication. This is due in large part to the emergence of 5G technologies and the increase in factories installing 10+ GbE networks. The stranglehold that many established proprietary industrial Ethernet installations have had for so many years is now starting to be released by Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), which is ushering in these real-time applications.
Sponsrat innehåll från Codico GmbH
CODICO: Expanded IoT Range from Qualcomm
CODICO adds two exciting platforms for rugged Smart Camera, Display and Robotics applications to its roster of long life and extended temperature range platforms powered by Qualcomm Technologies’ IoT solutions.
JLT Mobile Computers stärker närvaro i Frankrike
13 september 2021
Tecknar avsiktsförklaring med syftet att förvärva franska säljpartnern ID Work och öppna eget säljkontor i Frankrike
Sponsrat innehåll från Siemens Digital Industries Software
Transforming Electronic Systems Design
The electronics industry is entering a new era of digital transformation driven by the urgent need for electronic systems companies to overcome three big design challenges — product, organizational, and process complexity.
Sponsrat innehåll från Siemens Digital Industries Software
Transforming Electronic Systems Design
The electronics industry is entering a new era of digital transformation driven by the urgent need for electronic systems companies to overcome three big design challenges — product, organizational, and process complexity.
Sponsrat innehåll från congatec AG
Rugged four-legged robot with three brains
ANYbotics provides solutions for robot applications with the most advanced mobility and autonomy requirements in challenging terrains. The massive embedded computing performance for the key tasks – situational awareness, motion control and mission fulfillment – is delivered by three COM Express Computer-on-Modules from congatec.
Sponsrat innehåll från Siemens Digital Industries Software
Transforming Electronic Systems Design
The electronics industry is entering a new era of digital transformation driven by the urgent need for electronic systems companies to overcome three big design challenges— product, organizational, and process complexity.
Sponsrat innehåll från Broadband Tecchnology AB – A CODICO Company
Leakage current sensors for charging stations
Every household has one Most people are familiar with the residual current device (RCD) from their fuse box in the basement. Though one will find several old buildings still equipped with safety fuses and cabling without earth wire, they are becoming increasingly rare. This is fortunate, since the task of the safety fuse or the circuit breaker is limited to protecting the powerlines from overcurrent, i.e. it constitutes a fire protection measure. The RCD, on the other hand, directly protects humans against fatal electric shocks. It compares whether the amount of current flowing out of the circuit is equal to the amount that flowed in. Any deviation points out to the presence of a leakage current which...
Sponsrat innehåll från congatec AG
The Edge of the Future: Modular Edge Computing
Industrial edge servers should be advanced enough to be able to successfully handle a broad array of tasks. In the 21rst century, virtual machines are being relied on more and more for consolidating different kinds of Industry 4.0 workloads. Moreover, because Computer-on-Modules offer the flexibility needed to scale the computing power of each application, users always end with the best of both worlds: a fair price and optimal performance.
Sponsrat innehåll från congatec AG
Whispers about the Computer-on-Module standard COM-HPC
The third performance cycle for COMs is coming
Sponsrat innehåll från Broadband Tecchnology AB – A CODICO Company
Revolution - The next generation of the 16A Relay Class
Since the introduction of the famous and today widely used RT style relay 25 years ago the market is waiting for a next generation solution offering new features and advantages to hardware designers.
Sponsrat innehåll från Congatec AG
Combining embedded computing, vision technologies and artificial intelligence
Fusion offers more than the sum of parts To develop smart embedded systems with AI-based situational awareness, OEMs from a wide range of industries need a set of preconfigured functional building blocks so they don’t have to spend any time and effort on ensuring the interoperability of the individual components.
Sponsrat innehåll från LEMO Nordic AB
Varför kan komponentval - ge huvudvärk ?
Increased demands on components for Medtech Having knowledge of regulations, norms and, not least, future demands on performance, function and safety can save you both time and money in the development of Medtech products.
Södertälje Science Parks första hyresgäst flyttar in
26 januari 2018
Teknikkonsultföretaget Sigma Industry East North flyttar in i Södertälje Science Park innan invigningen av parken den 30 januari.
Sivers IMA ansluter sig till Facebooks Telecom Infra Project
08 december 2017
Initiativet inom telekom som leds av Facebook och Deusche Telecom, Telecom Infra Project (TIP), har fått en nu anslutning i Sivers IMA.
Sponsrat innehåll från NCAB Group