Sponsrat innehåll från Codico GmbH
BeammWave beviljas 3 miljoner kronor av Vinnova
08 oktober 2024
Vinnova-bidraget är på totalt 5,9 miljoner kronor till ett projekt som hålls tillsammans med Advenica och Lunds universitet, och BeammWaves andel av bidraget är 3 miljoner kronor.
Sponsrat innehåll från Rochester Electronics
Rochester's Obsolescence Solutions Embrace a Wide Range of Products
The diverse challenges facing 5 distinct product segments. When it comes to electronics, most designs will involve multiple semiconductor devices. With this point in mind, Rochester Electronics’ goal is not to offer a single solution for an obsolete device, but instead provide a range of solutions covering the many mature devices likely found in designs.
Norsk missilfabrik byggs i Australien
23 augusti 2024
Kongsbergs planerade fabrik ska tillverka missiler för användning av Australiens försvarsmakt (ADF) – blir första utanför Norge, skriver Kongsberg i ett pressmeddelande.
Klart med ny vd för Sivers Semiconductors
22 juli 2024
Vickram Vathulya har utsetts till ny vd för Sivers Semiconductors och efterträder därmed Anders Storm (bilden) från och med den 19 augusti 2024.
Avnet utser ny vd för Farnell
27 juni 2024
Avnet tillkännager Rebeca Obregon som ny vd för Farnell, ett Avnet-företag, från och med den 1 juli, 2024.
Sponsrat innehåll från Codico GmbH
Revolutionizing Power Supplies: The Advantages of Integrated Power Modules
In the fast-paced world of electronics, the demand for efficient and compact power solutions is ever-growing. As technology advances, engineers are constantly seeking ways to simplify design, reduce board space, and expedite the development process. MPS meets these demands by offering the widest portfolio of power modules on the market.
Kina ökar stödet för sin halvledarindusrti
28 maj 2024
Kina har precis inrättat ett tredje halvledarinvesteringsfond, med ett registrerat kapital på 344 miljarder yuan (cirka 47,5 miljarder dollar).
Sponsrat innehåll från TME Transfer Multisort Elektronik
Integrerat ledningssystem och ISO-certifieringar
Översikt över populära standarder inom elektronikindustrin.
Sponsrat innehåll från congatec GmbH
Choosing the appropriate Computer-on-Module standard Performance class is your guide
Unless developers are true embedded and edge computing experts, evaluating and choosing between the different form factor standards can be pretty hard. Yet depending on the performance class, there is only one standard that is recommended for new system designs. As always, there are exceptions to this rule.
Sponsrat innehåll från CODICO GmbH
Smart Camera, AI and Robotics Software Resources for QUALCOMM System on Chip Platforms
QUALCOMM’s IOT roadmap offers a range of powerful and highly integrated system on chip devices for a broad set of IOT use cases and applications. These SoCs incorporate several subsystems into a single device from 5G and LTE cellular modem, multi-core CPU (up to 8 cores), GPU and AI capable DSPs to dual high-resolution camera ISP, sensor, audio and security subsystems. In order to enable customers to realise innovative computer vision, AI and Robotics products quickly, a comprehensive suite of robust software development kits and libraries are needed. This article will focus on the software resources available for QUALCOMM’s SOC roadmap.
Vinnovas satsning ska stärka Svensk konkurrenskraft
08 september 2023
Totalt satsar Vinnova 387 miljoner kronor på 11 nya kompetenscentrum under fem år. Startskottet går för projektet är januari 2024. Flera av dessa kompetenscentrum kommer att fokusera på elektronik.
Sponsrat innehåll från GLYN GmbH & Co. KG
Small, fast and affordable: i.mx93 solutions from Ka-Ro
Plugging or soldering: Ka-Ro presents two modules with the new i.MX93 processor from NXP™. These are a pluggable module from the TX-SODIMM series and a very compact solder module (27 x 27 mm²) from the QS solder module series. The i.MX9352 application processor used from NXP™ has two 1.5 GHz ARM ® Cortex® A55 cores and a real-time Cortex M33 microcontroller subsystem with full access to the peripherals. Machine learning is also supported by the ARM Ethos-U65 microNPU (Neural Processing Unit) with 256 MACs/cycle. The modules are suitable for a wide range of applications, including compact, battery-powered IoT devices.
Nolatos koncentrerar sin kinesiska verksamhet
25 augusti 2023
Nolatos affärsområde Integrated Solutions kommer att koncentrera sin kinesiska verksamhet, något som innebär att att arbetsstyrkan kommer att minska med cirka 500 anställda.
Chiptillverkare vänder sig till Syntronic för verifieringsexpertis
22 augusti 2023
Syntronic har valts ut som en samarbetspartner av en icke namngiven chiptillverkare. Det primära fokuset kommer att ligga på att gemensamt utveckla en "banbrytande" verifieringsplattform.
Sponsrat innehåll från Codico GmbH
THUNDERCOMM CM2290 Module: Powering Next-Gen AIoT Devices
THUNDERCOMM, a QUALCOMM company, has recently launched a new family of pin-to-pin compatible SoMs (System on Module), the CM2290 (4G LTE) and the C2290 (Android) & C2210 (Linux) versions, a powerful and versatile platform for developing AIoT devices. Featuring a compact form factor, a neural processor, and 4G connectivity, the CM2290 module is a game-changer in the IoT space, reducing both risk and design complexity, lowering TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), maximizing RoI (Return-on-Invest) and accelerating TTM (Time To Market) for any customer developing a long-life industrial application, also considering its long lifespan.
Sponsrat innehåll från CODICO GmbH
Smart Camera, AI and Robotics Software Resources for QUALCOMM System on Chip Platforms
QUALCOMM’s IOT roadmap offers a range of powerful and highly integrated system on chip devices for a broad set of IOT use cases and applications. These SoCs incorporate several subsystems into a single device from 5G and LTE cellular modem, multi-core CPU (up to 8 cores), GPU and AI capable DSPs to dual high-resolution camera ISP, sensor, audio and security subsystems. In order to enable customers to realise innovative computer vision, AI and Robotics products quickly, a comprehensive suite of robust software development kits and libraries are needed. This article will focus on the software resources available for QUALCOMM’s SOC roadmap.
Sponsrat innehåll från congatec Gmb
Heterogeneous core technology for multifunctional embedded client systems
Computer-on-Modules with 12th generation Intel Core processors (formerly codenamed Alder Lake) deliver tremendous performance scalability with their 4 to 16 cores and 8 to 24 threads. Their hybrid architecture, with Performance- and Efficient-cores, suits a wide range of applications, from industrial workstations to workload consolidation in IoT-connected machines and systems. To ensure high cybersecurity, the IIoT gateway functions are implemented in real-time capable virtual machines instead of containers. Meanwhile, these new Computer-on-Modules also solve many of the procurement problems OEMs face for their existing products.
Sponsrat innehåll från CODICO GmbH
QUALCOMM’s SoC Roadmap Meets the Diverse Needs of the Edge IOT Market
Edge Computing or Edge IoT is a recent development in the IoT market that is enjoying explosive growth in recent time. These terms refer to a recent development in distributed computing whereby computers, cameras and sensor processing systems are deployed in the same physical space where machines, robots and people connect and interact with the digital world.
Sponsrat innehåll från congatec GmbH
Multitasking at the edge
In the past, there was rarely a need to put much emphasis on a high number of cores as most established embedded systems had little parallel processing to do. With Industry 4.0 and IIoT digitization, this picture has dramatically changed. IoT gateways and edge computers can hardly get enough cores. COM Express Type 6 modules with AMD Ryzen Embedded V2000 processor technology and RTS hypervisor support are a perfect for these IoT gateway application needs
Sponsrat innehåll från Kontron
Graphic-intensive Kontron Motherboards based on AMD Ryzen™ Embedded R2000 Processors
Kontron´s new industrial motherboard D3723-R mITX, based on the successful AMD Ryzen™ Embedded R2000 series, ensures brilliant graphics performance and supports up to four independent displays in 4K resolution thanks to the SOC integrated AMD Radeon™ Vega GPU. Therefore, it is particularly suitable for embedded graphics applications such as professional casino gaming systems, medical displays, thin clients and industrial PCs as well as for kiosk, infotainment or digital signage systems.
Sponsrat innehåll från CODICO GmbH
QUALCOMM® is the world’s leading wireless technology innovator and the driving force behind the development, launch, and expansion of 5G. Today, their foundational technologies enable the mobile ecosystem and are found in every 3G, 4G and 5G smartphone. They bring the benefits of mobile to new industries, including automotive, the internet of things (IoT), and computing, and are leading the way to a world where everything and everyone can communicate and interact seamlessly. QUALCOMM Technologies recently extended its support for the IoT ecosystem by introducing seven new solutions to help enable the proliferation of next-generation IoT devices. This material provides an overview of QUALCOMM Technologies’ latest IoT solutions, and applications and use cases in Smart Cameras and Robotics.
Sponsrat innehåll från Codico GmbH
Simplify your journey to IoT with Intelligent Cloud Connect
For most companies it is difficult to start a project within Internet of Things (IoT). They just want to connect their device and then see the data in their system and make business decision based on the insight. How hard can it be!! Instead you need to navigate through an enormously complex ecosystem and a fragmented value chain, with many development hurdles to cross and it can take up to two years to launch a new IoT solution. We have learned that many projects due its complexity will never make it to market at all.
Epiroc tar kanadensisk storoder
06 juli 2022
Epiroc meddelar att bolaget har vunnit en stor order för batterielektrisk utrustning för ny helelektrisk gruva i Kanada.
Sponsrat innehåll från CODICO GmbH
Accelerating time to market for Robotics and Intelligent Camera products with Thundercomm SOM’s
In Europe like the rest of the world we are witnessing an explosion in robotics and automation technologies adoption. Intense competition and an aging workforce across a broad set of industries from manufacturing to farming to logistics and retail is forcing companies to incorporate these systems to improve efficiency and speed up productivity.
Sponsrat innehåll från CODICO GmbH
QUALCOMM® is the world’s leading wireless technology innovator and the driving force behind the development, launch, and expansion of 5G. Today, their foundational technologies enable the mobile ecosystem and are found in every 3G, 4G and 5G smartphone. They bring the benefits of mobile to new industries, including automotive, the internet of things (IoT), and computing, and are leading the way to a world where everything and everyone can communicate and interact seamlessly. QUALCOMM Technologies recently extended its support for the IoT ecosystem by introducing seven new solutions to help enable the proliferation of next-generation IoT devices. This material provides an overview of QUALCOMM Technologies’ latest IoT solutions, and applications and use cases in Smart Cameras and Robotics.
Sponsrat innehåll från TME
Passive and electromechanical elements from Panasonic
Overview of the basic components from the Japanese manufacturer.
Sponsrat innehåll från CODICO GmbH
Displays in IoT applications
Even if we are not always aware of it, today were are surrounded by devices and sensors that communicate over the Internet. Many of these are equipped with displays, which provide users with on-site information and also allow for easier operation. CODICO has been dealing with the topic if IoT from the perspective of wireless transmission for quite some time, so it's more than natural to now also look at the displays involved.
Sponsrat innehåll från congatec GmbH
Real-time Ethernet for all
The real-time processing of data for OPC UA, as well as many other tactile Internet applications, are coming up fast as important new areas of industrial communication. This is due in large part to the emergence of 5G technologies and the increase in factories installing 10+ GbE networks. The stranglehold that many established proprietary industrial Ethernet installations have had for so many years is now starting to be released by Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN), which is ushering in these real-time applications.
Sponsrat innehåll från Codico GmbH
Mango vs. Pineapple: Two Different Module Approaches for WiFi 6 Applications
802.11ax, also known as WiFi 6, succeeds 802.11ac (WiFi 5) and thus now presents the 6th generation of the WiFi standard, which was first publicly established on the market in its birth year of 1999 with version 802.11b.
Sponsrat innehåll från Codico GmbH
CODICO: Expanded IoT Range from Qualcomm
CODICO adds two exciting platforms for rugged Smart Camera, Display and Robotics applications to its roster of long life and extended temperature range platforms powered by Qualcomm Technologies’ IoT solutions.
Sponsrat innehåll från congatec AG